Check out our drinking games with cards category.
Everything you need for the game: 1 x card-set
A player deals the cards.
The dealer changes from round to round in a clockwise direction.
Each player is dealt 5 cards.
The pile with the remaining cards is placed in the center.
The top card is turned face up and placed next to the pile.
Each player now lays one of his cards in a clockwise direction and adds the value:
7 counts as 7.
10 counts 10
Ace counts 12
Rest counts 11
Once a card has been thrown, the player draws a new card and drinks!
The sum of the pile of cards should not exceed 99.
If a player can no longer lay a card without exceeding 99, he must draw a card and take a drink! Then it’s the next player’s turn.
When the pile of cards is used up, the top card remains, the rest is shuffled.
Special rules that make the game more exciting and complicated:
If a player puts a card in the deck and a value results having a 9 in the second place, the next player must drink! If the next player has a king or a jack, he can place it instead of drinking.
The jack is not added to the deck, but the king is.
If the number exceeds 99, then the king cannot be used.
If the pile value exceeds 90, the cards 10 and Ace are deducted from the pile.
The game ends when the value of the pile is exactly 99.
The player who laid the last card and filled 99 does not have to drink, everyone else must take a drink! Whoever miscalculates or tells others to drink must drink!
* Dose and drink must be specified in advance and individually.
Everything you need for the game: 1 x card-set
Dose and drink are specified.
Cards are shuffled.
Each player receives one card.
The player with the lowest card must take a drink!
* Dose and drink must be specified in advance and individually.
Everything you need for the game: 1 x card-set
The first player draws a card. This is followed by the second player drawing a card.
If player two’s card is higher, then the next player draws a card.
If player two’s card is lower, the player drinks and draws a new card.
The next player must outbid this card.
* Dose and drink must be specified in advance and individually.
Everything you need for the game: 1 x card-set
The first card is turned face up and at the same time the word “two” is said.
When the next card is revealed, the word “three” is said.
This is announced one after the other like this (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace) and turned face up until the word and the card face up match.
If the cards match, all players knock on the table, the slowest player must take a drink!
There is always knocking on an Ace, the slowest player takes a drink!
Restart with an empty deck!
* Dose and drink must be specified in advance and individually.
Everything you need for the game: 1 x card-set, 1 x cup
Each player draws one card one after the other.
The cards have the following effect:
2 = Genre
The player chooses a certain area.
He specifies a term from this area.
Further suitable terms must now be specified for each of the rounds.
The first one who can’t think of a term, repeats a term already mentioned or makes another mistake, must take a drink!
3 = Rhyme
The players choose a word.
The other players have to find words that rhyme with the chosen word.
A player who can’t think of a rhyme must take a drink!
4 = Questions master
This person must not be asked any further questions from now on,
of any kind. However, the person tries to get as many people as possible to drink by asking many questions.
The player who answers must take a drink!
The player keeps his privileges until another player draws his card.
5 = counter
The player chooses a number between 3 and 9. Now he chooses a word. At this point, any number that is divisible by or contains the chosen number must be replaced by the chosen word.
If the player chooses the number 3 and the word ” monkey”, it goes like this: 1,2, monkey,4,5, monkey,7,8, monkey,10,11, monkey, monkey,14…
First one to make a mistake takes a drink!
6 = toilet paper
Beer hits the bladder, one has to go to the toilet frequently.
This is only possible if one has the toilet card.
However, if one still goes, the person must take a drink afterwards!
7 = Own shot, drink yourself!
8 = Thumb master
The player can put his thumb on the edge of the table at any time, everyone must do the same.
The person who reacts last must drink!
9 = think up a rule
One may come up with a rule. Anything is possible and creativity is required.
If the rule is disregarded, the person must take a drink!
10 = give 10 sips
The player is allowed to give ten sips to any other player.
The following rules apply:
Jack = men drinking
Lady = women drink
King = King’s cup
The player fills the large glass in the middle with any drink of his choice, so that it is filled to a quarter of its capacity.
The player who draws the second king fills the glass halfway, the third to three quarters. The fourth king must add his own glass contents and empty the king’s cup!
Ace = Cheers, drink together!
* Dose and drink must be specified in advance and individually.
Everything you need for the game: 1 x card-set
The game is best played by 4 to 8 players.
The card game is reduced to the number of players.
Regardless of the number of players, there must always be exactly one ace and one jack among the playing cards. The cards are dealt.
The player with the jack is the cop. He is the only one who puts the card in front of him.
The player with the ace is the mafia boss.
The task of the mafia boss is to signal to a fellow player unnoticed that he is the mafia boss. This must be done without the cop noticing.
If a player thinks he has received a signal, he says:
“The deal is done!” The cop must now guess who the Mafia boss is. Once he has chosen a player, the chosen one turns the card over. If the cop is right, the round is over. The mafia boss has to drink the number of players who have not been exposed. If the mafia boss is only revealed by hints from other players, the mafia boss drinks three sips.
If the cop is wrong, he has to drink for every wrongly suspected player!
* The dose and the drink must be specified in advance and individually.
Everything you need for the game: 1 x card-set, 1 x bottle
The deck of cards is placed on the bottle opening.
One after the other all players blow the cards from the bottle.
If all cards fall or no card falls, you must take a drink!
* Dose and drink must be specified in advance and individually.